8th November 2022 – Basics of Discrimination Law

Tuesday 8th November 2022 – 4:00pm-5:00pm
Hybrid event – in person at Law Society House, Belfast and Microsoft Teams
Register here

About the Event
This is an event hosted in collaboration with the Young Bar Association and Northern Ireland Young Solicitor’s Association. Timothy Warnock BL will be covering the basics of discrimination law in Northern Ireland.

About the Speaker
Timothy Warnock was called in 2004 and is a barrister specialising in civil and commercial litigation. He has a particular interest and experience in commercial litigation; employment law; personal injury litigation and liquor licensing. Tim is a committee member of the Employment Lawyers Group.

At the end of the session, we will host a Q&A session, where Tim will take questions from attendees. Whilst there will be a live Q&A function during the meeting, we would welcome questions in advance. Please email any questions by midday on 7th November 2022 to [email protected].

5th October 2022 – Roadmap for NI Industrial Tribunals and Fair Employment Tribunal

Wednesday 5th October 2022 – 4:00pm-5:00pm
Hybrid event – in person at Law Society House, Belfast and Microsoft Teams
Register here

About the Event
Welcome to our October Employers Lawyers Group NI (ELG NI) Event where recently appointed President of the Industrial Tribunals and Fair Employment Tribunal in Northern Ireland, Mr Noel Kelly will give a talk on the ‘Roadmap for NI Industrial and Fair Employment Tribunals’.

For those attending the event in person refreshments will be provided after the event.

About the Speaker
Mr Noel Kelly graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Law in June 1976. He was admitted as a Solicitor in July 1979. Mr Kelly first entered the judiciary as a fee paid Employment Judge. Having been appointed as a full time Employment Judge he was subsequently appointed Vice President of the Industrial Tribunals and Fair Employment Tribunal (ITFET) in October 2010. He was appointed President of the ITFET in April 2022.

At the end of the Microsoft Teams meeting, we will host a Q&A session, where Mr Kelly will take questions from attendees. Whilst there will be a live Q&A function during the meeting, we would welcome questions in advance. Please email any questions by midday on Wednesday 5th October 2022 to [email protected].

14th September 2022 – Data Protection for Employment Lawyers

Wednesday 14th September 2022 – 1:00pm-2:00pm
Hybrid event – in person at Law Society House, Belfast and Zoom Webinar
Register here

About the Event
Welcome to our September Employers Lawyers Group NI Event where Aisling Byrne will discuss data protection for employment lawyers. She will cover the basic principles and concepts contained within the Data Protection Act 2018 and the implementation of GDPR in the United Kingdom. She will consider the principles applying to dealing with data subject access requests and managing data breaches. She will also consider employee monitoring and relevant data protection issues and examine data sharing in corporate transactions.
You have the option to attend in person at Law Society House Belfast -Tribunal Room (tickets limited) or join us online via Zoom meeting.
For those attending in person refreshments will be available from 12.30pm.
Please indicate which ticket type you prefer when choosing your ticket and if attending in person please fill out any dietary requirements (tea/coffee and sandwiches will be provided). The online video link will be emailed to you before the meeting if you chose to attend this way.

About the Speaker
Aisling Byrne is partner in the A&L Goodbody Employment & Incentives team in Northern Ireland and has over 20 years’ experience in advising on employment and equality law. Aisling advises on contentious employment litigation, employment aspects of commercial transactions and procurement. Aisling is qualified to practice in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, and she is a qualified mediator. She also specialises in data protection law and is Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP/E) qualified. She has delivered extensive training to businesses on implementing GDPR and since then has advised on a broad spectrum of data protection issues including data breaches, data protection impact assessments, data subject access requests and data sharing agreements. Aisling is also the Treasurer of ELGNI.

At the end of the Zoom meeting, we will host a Q&A session, where Aisling will take questions from attendees. Whilst there will be a live Q&A function during the meeting, we would welcome questions in advance. Please email any questions by midday on Wednesday 14th September 2022 to [email protected].

7th June 2022 – AGM and In Conversation with Eileen McBride CBE

Tuesday 7th June 2022 – 12:45pm-2:15pm
In-person – Law Society House, Belfast, Zoom Webinar
Register here

About the Event
We are delighted to be joined by the recently retired President of the Industrial and Fair Employment Tribunals for Northern Ireland, Eileen McBride CBE. She will talk with our chair, Orlagh O’Neill, about her life before and after becoming an Employment Judge and share anecdotes and knowledge from her years of experience. Eileen graduated from Queen’s University Belfast in 1978 and was called to the Bar of Northern Ireland in 1979. She was appointed as a Chairman of the Industrial Tribunals and Fair Employment Tribunal in 1994, before being appointed President in 2005. Eileen was appointed CBE in 2010.

Immediately following this event will be the ELGNI Annual General Meeting. Members will receive notice of the AGM via email with details on how to nominate candidates for election to the Committee. If you have any questions regarding the AGM, please contact Craig Patterson.

2nd February 2022 – Great Britain/Northern Ireland Employment Law Differences (ELA)

Wednesday 2nd February 2022 – 12:00pm-1:00pm
Remote via Zoom Webinar
Register here
FREE to ELGNI members

About this Event
Since the devolution of employment law powers to the Northern Ireland Assembly, there has been an ever increasing divergence between employment laws in Northern Ireland and those in Great Britain. As practitioners it is imperative to understand the differences in order to properly advise clients. Legislation and caselaw from one jurisdiction may have more limited applicability in the other or there may be fundamental requirements that must be adhered to in one territory that do not apply in the other. In this session Rachel Best BL will cover the key differences between the jurisdictions and enable you to navigate your way around those divergences, including in relation to:

  • Discrimination and equality 
  • Termination 
  • Redundancies
  • TUPE  
  • Working Time and Holidays

This event is being offered free to members of the ELGNI.

4th November 2021 – Menopause Discrimination in the Workplace

Thursday 4th November 2021 – 1:00pm-2:00pm
Remote via Zoom Webinar
Register here

About this Event
Our speaker will discuss Menopause discrimination in the workplace and the current law and proposals, focusing on relevant tribunal cases. The subject of menopause in the workplace is becoming increasingly topical at the moment so we are pleased to have Declan O’Dempsey speak to us on this subject.

Declan O’Dempsey BL
Declan O’Dempsey is a barrister with Cloisters Chambers and specialises in complex and sensitive employment, discrimination, public and regulatory law. He is a former member of the Bar Council’s Law Reform Committee, former vice chair of the Bar Standards Board’s Equality and Diversity Committee and of the Bar Council’s EDC and now member of the latter. He is also a Founding member of Halsbury’s Law Exchange, legal think tank.

At the end of the webinar, we will host a Q&A session, where Declan will take questions from attendees. Whilst there will be a live Q&A function during the webinar, we would welcome questions in advance. Please email any questions by midday on Monday 1st November 2021 to [email protected].

22nd September 2021 – Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace

Wednesday 22nd September 2021 – 1:00pm-2:00pm
Remote via Zoom Webinar
Register here

About the Event
We are delighted to welcome Fiona Cassidy and James Davies of Lewis Silkin as speakers. Our two speakers will review the increasing importance of Artificial Intelligence in the workplace. They will provide an insight into the concepts involved including how bias and discrimination arise in algorithms and how these are impacting the workplace. They will provide an introduction to the litigation that is occurring in this developing area.

Fiona Cassidy
Fiona is Partner/Consultant in Lewis Silkin (N.I.) LLP. She was a founder member of Jones Cassidy Brett Solicitors which recently merged with Lewis Silkin. Fiona has specialised in employment and discrimination law for over 30 years and in recent years has taken a keen interest in data protection law.

James Davies
James is a founder partner of Lewis Silkin’s employment practice nearly 30 years ago. He has a particular interest in discrimination law and has co-chaired the Employment Lawyers Association’s working group on artificial intelligence and employment law.

Thank you to all who attended the event. The slides are available on our Previous Seminars page.

16th June 2021 – Overview of the Article 2 commitment and the Dedicated Mechanism

Wednesday 16th June 2021 – 1:00pm-2:00pm
Remote via Zoom Webinar
Register here

About the Event
This webinar will provide a discussion on the Article 2 commitment and the Dedicated Mechanism.
Under the EU/UK Withdrawal Agreement, the UK has committed in Article 2 of the Northern Ireland Protocol to ensuring that certain equality and human rights in Northern Ireland will continue to be protected after Brexit. The UK government created a “Dedicated Mechanism” comprising of the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland and the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission. This webinar will provide an overview of the Article 2 commitment and the Dedicated Mechanism.
The talk will be jointly given by Éilis Haughey, Head of Services, Dedicated Mechanism at the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission and Roisin Mallon, Director, Dedicated Mechanism Unit, Equality Commission for Northern Ireland.
At the end of the webinar, we will host a Q&A session, where Éilis and Roisin will take questions from attendees.

Whilst there will be a live Q&A function during the webinar, we would welcome questions in advance. Please email any questions by midday on 15th June 2021 to [email protected].

Further information on the Dedicated Mechanism Unit is available here.

Thank you to all who attended the event. The slides are available on our Previous Seminars page.

27th May 2021 – Worker Status with Jason Galbraith-Marten QC

Thursday 27th May 2021 – 1:00pm-2:00pm
Remote via Zoom Webinar
Register here

About the Event
This webinar will provide a discussion on the worker status and in particular, the impact of the recent decision of the Supreme Court in Uber BV and Others vs Aslam and others. We are delighted to welcome Jason Galbraith-Marten QC, Senior Counsel for Uber as speaker.
This webinar will be in two parts. Our speaker will summarise the recent Uber decision and give an insight into how he believes it will impact the issue of worker status going forward. We will then have a Q&A session, where Jason will field questions from attendees on employee / worker status issues.
Whilst there will be a live Q&A function during the webinar, we would welcome questions in advance. Please send any questions to before 25/05 midday to [email protected].

Jason Galbraith-Marten QC
Jason Galbraith-Marten QC is a member at Cloisters Chambers in London. He was called to the Bar in 1991, taking Silk in 2014. Jason has established himself as one of the UK’s most respected practitioners in employment and equality law, garnering a reputation as the leading expert on worker status issues. He has appeared in a significant number of leading employment cases including the Uber decision, Varnish v British Cycling Federation and Dewhurst v Citysprint UK Ltd.