
Membership of the Employment Lawyers Group Northern Ireland is open to practicing solicitors and barristers. Apprentice solicitors and pupil barristers are welcome to join.

What are the benefits of membership?

  • Full membership grants you access to all of the seminars held by us at the cheaper rate of £10.00 per seminar.
  • Eligible to attend the Annual General Meeting.
  • Eligible to run for election as a representative for employment lawyers.
  • Keep up to date on the latest presidential guidance and other relevant employment law developments in Northern Ireland.
  • Obtain CPD points to benefit your practice. Each seminar typically attracts 1 CPD point from the Law Society NI and Bar of NI.
  • You will support the furthering of the aims of ELGNI.

Comparison between members and non-members

Pay £10.00 per seminarFlat-rate charge of £20.00 per seminar.
No other benefits.
Barristers in pupilage may attend any seminar free of charge.

Membership cost

Membership subscription fees applicable from 1st February 2023 are as follows: –

  • Full membership: £45.00 per annum
  • Junior barristers (under 7 years’ call): £20.00 per annum
  • Barristers in pupilage: £0.00 during the first year

Membership subscription fees were waived in legal year 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

How do I join?

If you want to join ELGNI, please contact our Secretary Sarah Cochrane at [email protected] who will be happy to arrange your membership.